Palace Mosaic Tile


Palace Moroccan Mosaic Tile

Description: Hand cut and assembled Palace eight pointed star Moroccan Mosaic Tile with embellishing laces

Applications: kitchens backsplash and bathroom wainscot.  Use alone or combine with one of our mosaic borders.  Very well suited for wet areas floors and walls. 

Sizes: Assembled in 8 7/8" x 8" 7/8" or more interlocking units.  Thickness is 5/8"

Price: Per square foot


  • As Shown: Coriander green, black, white
  • Custom color: Available in all our standard colors click here to view color palette.  When you select custom colors, our design team will contact you once you place your order to help you achieve your favorite color combination

Samples: You may order samples via our contact page

Minimum Order: 10 square feet minimum order required


  • Air freight: 5 days
  • Ocean freight: 6 weeks or more

Production: 4 to 6 weeks depending on quantity

Returns: This product will be made especially for you.  Once order has been place, we cannot accept returns, refunds or exchanges

This product is 100% handmade in Morocco

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